The perfect hair drying with the hairdressers’ tips

How many times it happened that you discovered you’ve been making a certain operation for all time long in a wrong way? Believe it or not, the correct way to dry hair is one of them. Here are some tips on how to get a perfect hair drying according to the hair experts.
Also whowing a perfect hairstyle on every occsaion is a matter of style. Please forget the complicated steps of very professional hairstyles you can hardly realize alone, at home. To have an enviable hair, in most cases, you won't need too much. You'll start from the hair drying.
Follow these simple tips for drying your hair
Maybe you have never thought about it, but the way you dry your hair after washing it, affects its health and style. Probably you make some mistakes at the end of the process, and even after the application of balms and lotions you are not happy with the result.
How to do then? To get a perfect hairstyle, you can’t help but follow the tips of professional hairdressers.
1. Before using the hairdryer, pat your hair well, otherwise they risk “boiling"
"I keep the towel on my head for a while, so it takes less time to dry my hair with a hairdryer": don't say you've never thought it, especially if you have long hair…And you are right, but keeping it wrapped in a cotton towel too long after shampooing is wrong because the hair is in danger of breaking. Better to pat them with a microfiber towel and keep it on for ten minutes at the most.
2. During drying, hold the hairdryer with the nozzle pointing downwards
Always (and always we say!) dry the hair from top to bottom, starting from the nape (only at the beginning you can give a general blow-dry upside down). Above all, never remove the nozzle from the hairdryer, it helps you not to lift the hair in bulk, regulating the flow of air and making the hair styling much easier. Practically, goodbye frizzy effect! The nozzle, in fact, provides the ideal distance between the hair and the hairdryer, which is the hottest point and should never be too close to the hair or to the hair scalp.
Parlux Alyon® and MagicSense® diffuser
3. The brushing, decisive but not aggressive, strictly done with clean brushes
Choose the brush or comb according to your hair and the style you want to achieve. Above all, however, please pay attention to the bristles: if you have smooth hair and want to move it, use ceramics; if you have frizzy hair but want a perfect straight, choose for boar bristle brushes. The important thing is that, especially during drying, you should avoid plastic brushes because they increase the heat and dry the hair too much.
The bonus? A hairdryer that guarantees perfect hair drying even with inexperienced hands.
Last, but not least, the type of hairdryer. Choosing a quality hairdryer suitable for your hair is essential to protect it and dry it correctly. For example, if you have thick hair, you should prefer a hairdryer with ion and ceramic technology, which reduces frizz and gives shine. And if it is also silent and Eco-Friendly, this is much better!
Does it seem impossible to find all these advantages in a hairdryer?
Then you have to discover Parlux hairdryers, such as:
- Parlux Alyon® MagicSense®, a concentrate of innovation and technology, with a special diffuser which dries without messing up
- Parlux Advance®, light and ergonomic with K-ADVANCE® motor assures maximum power without energy consumption
- Parlux 3200® Plus, new aspiration concept to optimize hair drying
- Parlux 3800 Ecofriendly®, power and energy savings guaranteed by the “Eco Friendly Parlux Product”