Beauty Bazar, has put together an Italian hair-world guide with a detailed list of the most qualified trademarks in this field, especially those regarding hair products and accessories.
It is dedicated to customers who go to hairdressing salons and it is published on the website as well as in an advertising campaign in the main Italian women’s magazines such as Gioia, Grazia, Marie Claire, Eva 3000 and many others.
Customers may therefore easily identify their preferred trademarks among those named “Product of Excellence”.
Among the 25 companies of the category “Accessories” there is PARLUX, the world-famous Italian brand, synonym of high quality professional hairdryers due to their top-grade technical features: power, quick drying, lightweight, low noise, Eco Friendly concept and production.
PARLUX can now be more easily spotted by the general public and by salon customers who only want their hair dried and styled by a “product of excellence” hairdryer, such as PARLUX!