
For many years PARLUX has been on the front-line fighting against counterfeiting in order to protect their rights and internationalpatents.

 In the past, many Italian and foreign counterfeiters were denounced because they produced, showed and traded PARLUX counterfeit products. For the above reasons, PARLUX has been compelled to make-known to police authorities of any illegal behavior regarding their products which, as the Italian law foresee, can result in very serious consequences.

The Bologna Court,recently condemned an Asiatic counterfeiter who, during Cosmoprof 2010, showed and put on sale some counterfeited PARLUX hairdryers, models Parlux 2800 and Parlux 3500. Besides having the goods and booth confiscated, he was charged, tried at Court and denounced. To denounce somebody is always unpleasant but it is a consequence of illegal actions such as counterfeiting.

Parlux doesn’t want to put anyone at such risk, but sometimes is compelled to do so in order to protect their own interests and rights as well as those of their distributors and customers all over the world.

user comments
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Ty Eschbach written on

Hi Parlux. I just ordered a product on How can I tell if it is original or not? Thank you, Ty

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Parlux written on

Hi Ty, to know if your product is original you should tell us the code number on the handle of your hairdryer sending an email at

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