PARLUX, special invited at the Georgiy Kot Festival in Sochi (Russia)

The famous brand “Made in Italy” and the quality of their professional hairdryers are very appreciated by the Russian hairdressers
The Festival that the famous Russian hairstylist (3 times world champion, more than 200 medals obtained during the most prestigious international competitions, 1.7 million followers on Instagram @georgiykot) organizes in Sochi to celebrate the hairdressers' creative and artistic job is always a big party.
On last 23rd-24th November the event has been very crowded both with hairdressers competing, both with fans coming from Russia, USA, Iran, Great Britain, South Africa and even from Italy. In fact, Mr. Kot’s trichological creations are real artworks, hair sculptures realized with inspiration and mastery, followed and “copied” by many of his fans living worldwide.
To best perform his job and the one of his cooperators, in his hair salons and during the events in which he usually participates, Georgiy Kot exclusively uses Parlux hairdryers.
For this reason, this year he wanted his favourite reference brand to be at his side during the important event that sees him as a protagonist along with many colleagues who share with him the passion for their job.
Parlux, the unique Italian company present on this occasion, showed once again to the public all specific technical characteristics which feature their professional hairdryers; in particular, two of its most recent models, Parlux ALYON® and Parlux ARDENT®, which are conceived and realized as usual to improve the daily hairdresser’s job.
Leonardo Lella, Parlux person in charge, greeted the hairdressers present on behalf of the Italian company and awarded some of the winners of the various categories on competition (bride, man, junior, lady fashion, etc.) with a new beautiful Parlux ALYON® hairdryer.